Infernum Diaries (1) – Welcome
August 11, 2022If you are reading these lines, thank you… Thank you for being there, with us, and silently supporting (or not) this slow crusade. We are architects of a miraculous nightmare. It is not an oxymoron: it is what we are looking for. So far we have navigated rough seas: Pulpture Ediciones is a thing of the past. But the book, the quintessential root that gives meaning to what we do now, will be reforged. You will receive new stories. New radio fictions. Perhaps new unexpected ways of narrating will arrive. After all, Atlas Negro was conceived as a transmedia network. We want to tell the apocalypse from all angles.
The current phase of development is as early a phase as the previous one. If we had to quantify the percentage of progress, we could say that we are around 40%. However, experience has shown us that some progress, however slow, can wake up in dizzying races at the last moment. We are experts in suffering. We come endorsed by long walks through the dungeon. Not seeing the sun to worship the dark is our day to day.
And we have a clear purpose: publish a demo after the summer and, if we’re lucky, get a booth at the Indie Dev Day 2022 Stand. Just because it’s our purpose doesn’t mean it will materialize, but we’ll work to make it happen. We don’t want to bore you with details of game design. We can affirm, however, that the Guardian Angel, the headquarters of the Night Council, is practically finished and that Roberto, the sorcerer of the code, is fighting with AI issues so that the “footprint” that will hunt you down is cruel to the core. Thinking about your future suffering is flattering from a strategic perspective. Because we know what we don’t want: leave you indifferent.
The vampire of the clan, Alva Aur, has changed the images on the web. Now you will have a more faithful overview of what, for now, and just for today, we will call: final product. And we are not making a product: we are making a fucking nightmare. Just give us time.
Have a pleasant day. It remains for us to sculpt a couple of demons with mud from Tartarus.